
Marcela Celorio

Our Founder & Executive Director

Marcela has had an outstanding career in the Mexican Foreign Service as a diplomat and a Cross-Cultural understanding advocate where she holds the rank of Ambassador. During her 30 year diplomatic career she represented Mexico and Mexicans in many countries and positions, which gave her a unique perspective on different societies and their challenges. In Mexico, she advocated and succeeded in the passing, a constitutional amendment allowing  Mexicans to hold dual (and multiple)  nationality. Each of her overseas assignments  broadened her vision of the different needs and problems faced everyday  by Cross-Cultural Communities around the world.

The different realities that people live in, in the United States, the Middle East and Europe, helped her to understand the importance of committing fully to promoting intercultural understanding. Through these experiences, Marcela dedicated herself to  consular diplomacy that enhances alliances and generates dialogue among government and community.

The U.S.- Mexico border situation porvided an important reality check for recognizing the critical role of local stakeholders managing the U.S.-Mexico border. For this reason, Marcela developed a new approach to  cross-border diplomacy that goes beyond traditional diplomacy. Los Angeles, a city whih has he largest population of Mexicans after Mexico City, provided a platform to showcase Mexican history, racial origins, culture, community, and future.

Throughout her career in the Mexican Foreign Service, Marcela faced a wide array of complex situations. Her diverse experiences allowed her to attain an understanding of different cultures and how they interact with each other. Through her work, she identified the imperious necessity of promoting understanding and fostering the Rule of Law and Civic Education  as fundamental pillars within Cross-Cultural Communities in the U.S. and around the world. 

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