

For the Greeks, the word Polydorus meant many gifts. In Greek mythology, Priam -considered someone who had many gifts- was also known as Polydorus.

For many Latin American children, the literary collection “Los Cuentos de Polidoro” was a gift for learning to read and getting closer to other cultures through legends, tales, stories, and mythology.

For us, Polidore is a platform that allows immigrants and host community members to get to know their cultures and values through the importance of the Rule of Law and embracing a Culture of Lawfulness.


Traditional strategies are mainly focused on advocating and defending human and civil rights. This fair and humane approach seeks to foster respect for the rights and dignity of all people. In this regard, other governments, international organizations, and nonprofit organizations perform astonishing and laudable work. 

However, through years of diplomatic and consular work, our founder realized that it is not just an unilateral effort, this is a two way street endeavor.  Thus,  Polidore's mission is to contribute to the creation of a functional society by supporting to achieve a balance between rights and responsibilities (2R's).

It is our responsibility and moral obligation to accompany immigrants to understand the culture, values and system of the U.S. Immigrants are already considered the backbone of the U.S. economy, but much remains to be done in the political, civic, cultural and social arenas.

Immigrants face the challenge of adapting and being accepted in the United States.  In addition to knowing their rights, they need to also be aware of their responsibilities to fully assume their role in this new society. That is why the Rule of Law and a Culture of Lawfulness come into play.

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“Our mission is to promote Understanding, the importance of the Rule of Law, and a Culture of Lawfulness within the Cross-Cultural Community in the United States”

Through targeted initiatives and educational programs, we accompany people from different cultural backgrounds to be able to navigate the United States system. Knowledge is empowerment and a community that strikes a balance between its rights and responsibilities is the basis for a peaceful coexistence in diversity. Join us in fostering a respectful society where everyone can reach their full potential.


To develop a kinder, more respectful and welcoming community, in which the Rule of Law and the Culture of Lawfulness are the essential foundations of understanding and enablers of a peaceful coexistence in a diverse society. Founded on our rich origins, our organization is driven by a commitment to innovative strategies that prioritize the advancement of our rights and also highlight the importance of our responsibilities. At the heart of our mission is the principle that "no one is above the law and that we are all equal before it". 

The Rule of Law and a Culture of Lawfulness go beyond simply complying with the norms; it means to be aware of the values that sustain them and that allow us to adapt and be accepted in a society where everybody has a role to play. Adaptation and acceptance help to fight discrimination and create a space in which each and every individual within the Cross-Cultural Community has the possibility to identify, develop and reach his, her or their potential.


One of the biggest challenges facing the global order is the ever increasing international migration. Migration is a two-way street  experience at the human level, where immigrants and communities in the United States create a Cross-Cultural Community, thus generating the core challenge of mutual acceptance. While this phenomenon represents boundless opportunities, it also confronts us with many challenges. 

In the United States, migration is a disruptive event for both those who arrive and the communities in the United States. Immigrants face serious concerns about their acceptance, and their ability to assimilate and adapt into a new society. Striving in a different environment poses an emotional, social, and economic drain that could last up to a full generation to overcome. communities in the United States also encounter acceptance and adaptation issues. They experience feelings of concern, anxiety, wariness, fear, and rejection of the unknown.


The pact is a moral commitment between immigrants and communities in the United States that aims to find a balance that upholds the rights and responsibilities of all groups adding to a kinder, respectful, and embracing community. The pact allows both immigrants and communities in the United States – what we call a Cross-Cultural Community – to pursue, identify and achieve their own goals and interests. 

The pact seeks to recognize the collective rights and freedoms of both immigrants and communities in the United States, all the while complying with our responsibilities and obligations.

This pact is based on two foundational pillars:

  • Fostering understanding 
  • Embracing the Rule of Law and a Culture of Lawfulness



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